Health and Safety in Health and Social Care

Legislation, or laws are in place so that everyone understands how they should act, what is acceptable and what is not. And this is something that should be taken very seriously in health and social care.
Infection and Prevention and Control

The aim of this course is to familiarise yourself with these and provide you with useful ways of preventing them.
Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability

Mental health problems, dementia and learning disabilities affect a substantial proportion of the UK population in any given year. It is therefore important that those who work with people who suffer from, or are at risk of suffering from,these conditions can recognise typical symptoms and react with compassion and understanding.
Person-Centred Practice

Person-Centred Practice, with its focus on providing personalised care that treats people with compassion and respect, provides a framework that enables health and social care professionals to create effective relationships between all parties.
Personal Development in Health and Social Care

In this course we explore how to make the most of personal development and the impact it can have on you as an individual.
Privacy and Dignity in Health and Social Care

Privacy and dignity are immensely important to us all throughout our lives, whatever our age or physical or mental ability. Being able to maintain privacy and dignity has a profound effect on self-esteem, confidence and the ability to function within society.
Safeguarding Adults in Health and Social Care

The Care Act 2014, which addresses the protection of adults, defines adult safeguarding as “protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect”. Safeguarding adults requires those supporting or caring for them to prevent - or at the very least reduce -the risk of significant harm from abuse or exploitation, whilst helping them to take control of their lives by making informed choices.
Safeguarding Children in Health and Social Care

Child abuse is any action by another person – whether an adult or another child – that causes significant harm to child. This harm can be physical, sexual or emotional. It can also involve a lack of love, care or attention since neglect, whatever form it takes, can be just as damaging to a child as physical abuse.
The Care Act: Charging and Financial Assessment

This course covers Section 4 of the Care Act and is divided into two sections: Charging and Financial Assessment and Deferred Payment Agreements.
The Care Act: First Contact and Identifying Needs

This course is divided into two sections: Assessment and Eligibility and Independent Advocacy.