The Care Act: First Contact and Identifying Needs


This course is divided into two sections: Assessment and Eligibility and Independent Advocacy.

Under the Care Act, local authorities must undertake an assessment for anyone who appears to have any level of needs for care and support. So, if a person appears to have needs, the local authority must carry out a needs assessment, or a carer’s assessment for a carer. The assessment process is one of the key interactions between a local authority and an individual. It starts from when local authorities begin to collect information about the person, i.e. at first contact. The process identifies an individual’s needs and determines if an appropriate individual is available to support the person. If not, an independent advocate will be required.

 Learning Objectives

This course will enable the learner to:

  • Explain the importance of assessment
  • Describe how to conduct an assessment that is appropriate and proportionate
  • List the three building blocks of good assessment
  • Explain the eligibility thresholds for individuals and carers
  • Identify when someone may have ‘substantial difficulty’
  • Identify a suitable ‘appropriate individual’
  • Determine when independent advocacy would help
  • Describe the role of an independent advocate under the Care Act

Course Duration

  • 20 minuntes

Target Audience

  • Any member of an organisation requiring a base level understanding of the subject

Available in

  • Non-audio

Delivered Via

  • Internet
Price: £25.00