Age Discrimination


Did you know that surveys by both the government and charitable organisations show that age bias is the most common form of employment discrimination? Older workers may be unfairly refused a promotion, whilst younger workers may receive lower rates of pay – despite having all the relevant skills and experience.

Age discrimination is, of course, illegal – and complying with the law is a key reason for eliminating workplace related age discrimination. But there are other good reasons:

  • The benefits that result from providing a diverse workplace
  • Within the next twenty years people over the age of fifty will make up almost one-third of the workforce, so any discrimination against this sizable minority will greatly reduce the available pool of talent available to an organisation


  • Explain what the term ‘age discrimination’ means
  • Describe the different forms of age discrimination
  • Recognise examples of age discrimination in the workplace
  • Describe how age discrimination occurs in the workplace
  • Identify the legal exceptions to age discrimination law

Course Duration

10 minutes

Target Audience

  • All members of an organisation requiring a base level understanding of the subject.

Available in

  • Mixed media (audio/video elements with subtitles)

Delivered Via

  • Internet
Price: £25.00