Safe Manual Handling Refresher


More than one third of all reportable ‘Over Three Day’ injuries, and nearly 10% of ‘Major Injuries’ are associated with manual handling – the transporting or supporting of loads by hand or by bodily force. Many injuries are not immediate and obvious, but are cumulative resulting from repeated exposure to manual handling operations.

For workers, this high rate of injury is highly significant since such accidents and absences lead to potential loss of earnings, missed opportunities and usually significant pain or discomfort.

By looking at how manual handling risks arise and how to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of injury in different work environments, this course will help the learner to avoid joining future Health and Safety Executive injury statistics.

Course Content

• Reducing the risk of injury by assessing:

• The task

• The load

• The environment

• Personal capacity for load handling

• Safe lifting technique

Price: £12.50